Search and apply
As a growing business, we’re always looking for fresh talent from all backgrounds. We have opportunities at every level across Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney, the Greater Washington Area and Montreal.
Recruitment process
Our recruitment process is as much about you as it is about us. We want to be sure we’re a good fit for each other, so you’ll want to build a career here, or even simply enjoy the job you’re in. Our recruitment process is designed to ensure the right person finds the right job. Depending on the role it might include the following steps:

Step 1: Apply online
Submit your online application form for us to review against the role criteria.
Step 2: Video interview
For some roles, we’ll invite you to a short video interview before we sit down face to face. These virtual meetings are designed to help us get more of a sense of each other than we can in a phone call.
Step 3: Face-to-face interview
Next, we'll invite you to visit our office for an in-person interview with the hiring manager. You might also have the chance to meet some of your teammates or stakeholders, as well as the recruitment team.
Step 4: Additional testing
For some of our more technical roles we’ll ask you to complete additional testing relevant to the role- for finance roles this might be an excel modelling exercise and for senior roles we might complete some psychometric testing.
Step 5: Reference checks
We’ll contact your previous employers to check your references.
Step 6: Offer
If everything is in order, we’ll get in touch to offer you the role. Once you say yes, we’ll work with our partners to carry out all the relevant checks and get you on board.
Step 7: Transurban welcome and orientation
On your first day, you’ll be welcomed by your team and meet up with your manager. You’ll also get a facilities induction, so you know where everything is. Then, later in your first month, you’ll get a full corporate induction.